Welcome to the motufw project homepage

Current status (as of September 2009)

The motufw project was set up in 2006 to develop a device driver for MOTU firewire audio interfaces. Soon after, changes made to the infrastructure of the FreeBoB project (now named FFADO) made it possible to support devices like those from MOTU within the framework of that project. Furthermore, it was felt that having a single driver framework for all firewire audio devices under Linux would make life easier for users and developers alike.

As a result, development of the MOTU driver moved to FreeBoB, which was subseequently renamed to FFADO. For information about FFADO and the on-going work on the MOTU driver, please go to http://www.ffado.org. Questions should be posted to the relevant FFADO mailing lists.

No further development work is going on in the motufw project and at this stage none is planned.

Historical information, for interest only

Project Scope

This project aims to provide a device driver for audio interface built by MOTU Inc. which use the firewire interfaces. The development focuses currently on the Traveler and 828mkII models. Our target platforms are POSIX compliant operating systems, with Linux in the center.

Project State

Some areas of the firewire protocol used by MOTU are still unclear. Nevertheless, many small pieces have been verified to work already. We are trying to complete the protocol notes, while bearing in mind an architecture model for the driver we strife for.

Our current concept comprises a library providing access methods on MOTU devices, an access control daemon exporting ALSA services as well as a graphical mixer GUI which shall allow for convenient control of device settings and mixer values.

Source Repository

You can browse our SVN source repository here.


Please contact us by using this mailing list: motufw-devel@lists.sourceforget.net.
You can subscribe/unsubscribe here. Thank you.

Former Project-Related Sites

Olaf Christ's MOTU 828mkII page

Jonathan Woithe's MOTU Traveler logs & proggies page

last edited 2009-09-16 by jwoithe